Sunday, June 4, 2017

Snap Out of It!

    When my mind starts churning over the same repetitive and habitual fearful, sad, limiting or angry thoughts, I lift my hand in the air and snap. I literally snap myself out of a thought process that has worn a habitual groove into the byways of my mind that is neither beneficial or even realistic.

    But often before clicking my fingers together, I state aloud the reality I am replacing the negative thinking pattern with. For example, I sometimes get trapped into imagining an impoverished future of loneliness. The moment I catch myself descending into that abyss, I state aloud my future is filled with kind and interesting people who enjoy my companyThen I snap a decisive snap. One snap on that particular thought abyss usually does the trick - but, in the case of more deeply held negative beliefs and stubborn patterns, relinquishing those thoughtscapes may necessitate a second or even third snap. I find I have to revisit a single thought groove at least a hundred times before noticing a lasting shift, but it's worth the time investment.

    Changing thoughts such as I'm unlovable or I don't deserve happiness to I totally rock and enjoy being alive, interrupt the habitual thought groove while the snap returns me to the here and now away from the there and then that doesn't exist. It never did. I inherited that hopeless, helpless mindset from a lineage of scared, hurt and wounded people. Snapping is just one tool in my toolchest of life hacks I employ to address, identify and reverse habitual thinking. 

So, when you find your thoughts dwelling in old, familiar patterns confidently and lovingly....

Snap out of it!

*Disclaimer: For depression and more serious thoughts of self-harm, please seek counseling. Snapping is more to break a pattern and doesn't address deeper emotional or psychological challenges or trauma.*

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