Thursday, December 27, 2018


What I learned

Just yesterday I learned about quarks at a memorial honoring the passing of a great man. A scientist spoke of his friendship with the deceased and threw in the word quark. What’s that? I wondered. I googled the word when I got home and discovered quarks are subatomic particles that make up protons and neutrons. They come in different flavors – the word physicists came up with to separate the different kinds of quarks. I still know precious little about them with the exception the universe may end in 10 billion years because of them. AND, of course, wherever you have quarks, you have antiquarks.

The point really isn't that I now know of the existence of quarks; albeit without any immediate plans to use this knowledge.  It's simply I learned something new. Now that I know about them, I suppose I can always use this as an ice-breaker - How 'bout them quarks!

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Broken Cup


    There's a fine china tea cup in my cabinet that I almost never use. It was a busy week and my sink is overflowing with dirty dishes. I have no cups left. I have no clean glasses. In fact, I have nothing to drink from unless I want to drink from a bowl which I have been considering. I have little choice than to use this delicate piece of china I have taken great measures to protect. I reach up to the high shelf where it has been tucked away for years and notice my resistance. I am afraid to retrieve this beautiful cup for fear of breaking it.

     I stop to think for a moment about how strange it is to have this cup sitting in my cabinet unused, unseen and unappreciated. I have been afraid to break something important to me. I thought some more and concluded that it was ok to risk breaking the cup. In fact, what is life really without risking a few broken cups? In that moment, I threw caution to the wind and retrieved the cup. 
     Did I break the cup? Did I drink from the cup? I mean, what if I broke the cup? Would I have to crawl under the covers and refuse to come out? Ahhh, but what if the cup didn't break? 


Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Curious Case of 444

I look at the clock. Once again it says 4:44. Of course it's 4:44. Out of habit, I get up, stumble to the bathroom, and return to bed hoping to capture two more hours of sleep before starting my day.

On my way to work, I encounter the usual drivers weaving their way in and out of lanes of heavy traffic hoping to cut seconds off their commute. The same beggers are blocking lanes at intersections making traffic go around as not to hit them. When finally, I arrive at the New Hampshire Avenue exit, a monster-sized SUV pulls out in front of me. You stupid son-of-a... At that moment, what do I notice but a license plate beginning with the numbers 444. 


The ticking of analog clocks annoys me no end. I had one as a kid. It's purpose was to make sure I was up on time to get ready for school. Because of it's incessant ticking and tocking, I would wrap it in an article of clothing and shove it into a dresser drawer to muffle the sound. Thankfully, after sleeping through the muted, cloth-wrapped alarm many times, my mom purchased a digital clock. That was a good day, and the start of my relationship with the repeating number 4. Several times a week since the age of ten, whether in the late afternoon or early morning, there it was, the number 444 staring back at me. 

At the start, I took note of the occurances without investigation. I didn't know if it was normal to have so many encounters with a repeating number, or why it wasn't 111, 222 or any other trio of numbers? It was always 444. That's not to say I never saw 111 or 222 or beyond; but those were more of a coincidence. 444 was something different. It somehow seemed intentional. Why? I still don't know.

Stages of Acceptance

At first, it was a novelty. It was my personal adventure through the landscape of repeating numbers. I did have enough sense to know that if I shared my experience I would be met with either that's just a coincidence; or possibly have my know-it-all brothers tell me I was crazy. So, it remained my secret.

In my early twenties, I recall waking from a night of intense dreaming afraid to look at the clock. I didn't wish to see those interminable numbers staring back me again, but the urge was overwhelming. So, I peeked one eye over the blanket that had been covering my face, and there they were lined up in their familiar pattern - 4:44. Leave me alone! I pleaded until 4:44 gave way to 4:45. 

I began avoiding clocks and ignoring license plates, but 444 found other ways to be noticed. It showed up as arrival and departure times, on receipts and math equations. There seemed no limit to the ways this number would follow me. 

I had almost reached my breaking point when 444 disappeared. Hours turned to days, and days to weeks without one occurance of 444. Not one! Something was wrong. I felt normal, but normal seemed strangely wrong. I felt as if the magic had slipped away. For several more months, I lived without 444. Those months were monotonous and uneventful.


I went on about my 444 free life. It was mundane, but the upside was I was no longer hiding from clocks or any other potential numerical trios. But then it happened, on my way to class one morning, I spied a sign guiding people to an upcoming yard sale located at 444 Olivar Street. It's back! It's come back. I felt a piece of me had returned, but I was curious. So I started my investigation.

Since Google didn't exist then, I went to the book section at the closest new age shop around. There, I found a numerology book and looked up the numbers 4 and 444. I don't remember the name of the book, but I remember it told me 4 meant the angels and universe were working on my behalf to help me create my desires. 444 additionally discussed an unusually strong connection with angels. Further significance spoke of being protected by angels and in harmony with the universe. I also remember that synchronicity implied I was in spiritual balance, and that I would experience greater synchronicity and 444 sightings. Well, finally. I felt was in balance and attuned to the universe at least while at the book shop.

What great messages. They made me feel I had cracked the code on mundane living. However, those meanings seemed wholly incomplete and not tied to my actual experience. As a result, I am compelled to continue my research.

I still don't have an explanation, but I do know 444 has become a friend and companion in life which I take as a thumbs up from the universe I am doing alright.